As a
dog owner you may have been in a situation where you dog was doing
something undesirable, obnoxious, annoying or even dangerous. I'm
sure all of us have.
So let's say you have a young border collie who
just started this car chasing thing. You go out with him and every
time he sees a vehicle, he stops, crouches down, stares at it, and
when the car is very close he lunges at it.
This was my story when
my Chester was a few months old. He also tried to chase the cars when
inside of our car which was really not cool. He was darting back and
forth as much as his harness allowed him to and barking in
excitement, frustration or both. I contacted a trainer who was
recommended by a friend. “A very nice lady”, I was told. She said
we have to “nip it in the bud” and that I should bring the dog to
her so we can eradicate the behaviour.
Concerned with the tone of her
voice I asked how she was going to do that and she had a vague answer
of “we'll see what works” and “ we can't allow that”. I didn't
make that appointment, I didn't like the way it sounded.
Instead I
read a bit more, then took my dog to a nearby village, sat by the
road and waited for cars so I could click and treat my youngster for
not lunging at them, for any attention he could give me, for watching
without reaction etc. Soon these were the only things he did when he
saw a car.
Inside our car, I had a tub with sausage pieces on the
passenger sit and I was tossing a few pieces when another car was
approaching us. I didn't do it for long, it worked very quickly. The
behaviour was gone in probably couple weeks, and never came back.
see, I was committed to finding a positive solution, one that
resonated with my believes and ethical stand. I got interested in dog
training only when I discovered clicker training and its underlying
philosophy. Before that I thought dog training was boring and quite
cruel, with all the chains and prong collars (they used to be very
popular in Poland) and constant corrections.
Therefore all I ever
learned was so-called positive training. And with it the vocabulary.
That trainer 9 years ago was using words that were not coming from a
positively minded trainer and it put me on guard.
I'm still committed to positive solutions. Even more than then as I
learned much more about them and their power.
I learned a way of
looking at behaviour problems as lack of skills rather than something
to eradicate or stop. The dog who's displaying that problematic
behaviour just doesn't know what else to do in this situation. He
needs skill building training, not correction. He is screaming for
help, not punishment.
So the way I think about it and approach it is:
What is the dog getting out of this? What would I like the dog to do
instead? How do I teach it? How do I prevent the current reaction
from occurring? Because no matter how good you are at teaching the
required skills, if you allow the reaction to happen alongside it,
you'll have a pretty long work ahead of you.
I'm not going into
details on these questions, it's maybe for another time. The point is
that rather than have this eliminative approach of: let's stop it
right now, let's eradicate it, I use constructive approach and
concentrate on what's the missing skill, or emotion, that I can teach
and build on.
As a
trainer educated in science and principles of learning and behaviour
I have the necessary tools to tackle most challenges that I come
across in a positive way.
However I have to say that I am not limited
to those options. When I was studying I was introduced to a hierarchy
of training methods called LIEBI, which stands for Least Intrusive
Effective Behaviour Intervention. This system (and similar ones like
LIMA: least intrusive, minimally aversive) puts all available methods
in an order from the most humane and force-free to the most aversive
and potentially damaging.
It should be used as a guide for behaviour
professionals. When presented with a challenging behaviour, we start
at the top and first implement the most humane method/s. In majority
of cases these are the only ones we need. But in some situations we
can reach for the next one and, maybe, the next one. We want to find
a solution for our clients and their dogs, so they can live together
in harmony, and sometimes, very rarely, it requires us to step out of
our preferred zone.
I have to add here that each case has to be
considered individually, I'm not saying that some problems need
certain (more aversive) solutions. What's more, in reality, getting
down to the really aversive ones is just not necessary, ever.
deeply believe that our dogs deserve to be given a chance at kind,
positive learning experiences first, and only if we have tried the
humane methods (of which are many), can we perhaps consider the use
of the more aversive ones.
So do
your dog (and yourself) a favour and start thinking in a constructive
way: what does my dog need to learn, know and feel in order to change
his behaviour? Once you switch to this way of thinking, you'll look
at him with fresh eyes, you'll have better results and you'll forever
transform your relationship.
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